Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Meeting Juliet - June 30, 2013

Pretty sure you can say it was love at first sight. 

We traveled to the breeders on June 30th to meet the puppies. There were 5 females born to this litter and I was anxious about meeting them (knowing that one would be my future puppy).
I did some "how to pick the right puppy" research but when I got to the breeders I told myself to go with my heart....
Then I see miss "blue red". She was sleeping upon our arrival, but was woken easily. She appeared calm, didn't whine (unlike a few of her sisters) and quickly feel back asleep when put back on my lap. I thought it would take me a while too figure which girl was supposed to be mine, but within ten minutes I looked and Ben and said "I think she is the one".

My little girl with her white spot between her eyes (caused by a sibling playing too rough)

look at that face!

half asleep on mommy's lap

love love love

making my decision - caught on camera!!!