Sunday, December 22, 2013

My first Christmas!!!!

Christmas time is here.... which means Juliet is required to pose for photos and pretend like she likes it :)

My friend Alana and her boyfriend Evan rescued a puppy a week ago, that they named Sullivan. He is super small, and Juliet was very gentle and sweet with him.

Friday, December 13, 2013

DECEMBER (6+ months)!

Juliet is six months old! She is doing well with basic commands, still iffy on recall (especially when other dogs are around), and walks well on the leash (when she wants).

She also goes through moments of being extremely rude (nipping hands, jumping, etc). Those moments are usually followed by a nap... do pups throw tantrums?

Friday, November 29, 2013

The holidays are upon us!!!!!

 Who doesn't love the holidays?
Juliet is almost 6 months old, and is precious and wonderful and stubborn and rambunctious. We are still having a hard time with pulling during walks, and listening when other dogs are around. I have hope that it will improve over time but it can get quite frustrating (for both of us!)

On Thanksgiving we had family over, including my ten month old cousin. I was initially concerned that Juliet would try to jump on our guests (she is extremely friendly but gets a little out of control!) It turns out that she was very respectful, and a bit tentative. She smelled everyone but kept to her immediate family which was fine with me.

On "black Friday" I took the opportunity to pick out a pretty Christmas themed collar for Jules. My mom also got her two squeaky toys! (Hopefully they last until Christmas!!!!!) 

I love christmas! :)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Looking back.... almost 6 months old

I can't believe my wee one is almost 6 months old. She is the greatest cause of happiness and stress in my life :) but I'd teaching me how to be a more patient, understanding, and calm person. I wanted to show some of my favorite pictures of my girl from her first couple of days home until now!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Juliet and Django (5 months old)

This is the second play date between Juliet and her brother Django.  
Django is a sweet boy who appears much calmer than Juliet (I was surprised when he followed behind his owner Renal instead of rushing ahead of her like my girl would do). 
They play very well together and really tired each other out.  
It is so much fun seeing vizzies together because they truly match each other's energy!