Sunday, September 21, 2014

The End of Summer - Dog Beach!

I have been super busy with the beginning of my doctorate program, but I have been lucky enough to find some really cool people that own really cool dogs! Even better we have already gone on a few doggy play dates to the dog beach in Albany, CA! Juliet loves playing with her new friends, but since they are both a bit smaller than her she can get a bit too excited.  Her friends Olive and Sasha are pretty tolerant of her though (even though Juliet steps on them accidentally sometimes). 

It is such a blessing that Juliet is good off leash (despite random alert barking at strangers - bad pup).  We are still working on the no-pulling concept (she is getting better but it is a slow process).

Here are some pictures that I have taken, along with some that I have stolen from my friend Hannah!

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